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Washington – As part of a campaign to help prevent skin cancer, Acting Surgeon General Boris Lushniak on Aug. 13 shared tips on how outdoor workers and employers can protect against sun damage.
Washington – NIOSH has issued a draft document on improving workplace health and safety through tobacco policies, and the agency is requesting stakeholder feedback.
Washington – Noting the high number of farm-related deaths involving vehicles and equipment, OSHA on Aug. 15 released two QuickCards intended to educate employers on protecting agricultural workers from these hazards.
San Jose, CA – Three out of four people who work in construction, food service and child care in San Jose lack access to paid sick days, according to a study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
St. Paul, MN – Veterinary technicians may be at greater risk of sustaining a work-related injury if they have less experience or a heavier workload, according to a recent study from the University of Minnesota.
Washington – At least 83 workers in the United States died between 2003 and 2010 because of incidents involving insects, arachnids and mites, according to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Washington – In light of stakeholder concerns that a proposed rule on injury reporting could lead to employer tactics that result in inaccurate data, OSHA is asking for feedback on possible amendments to the proposal.
Oxford, England – Drugs taken by shift workers to help them stay awake on the job or go to sleep after work offer few benefits, according to a study from the Cochrane Occupational Safety and Health Review Group.
Itasca, IL – The National Safety Council has released a guide and toolkit to help employers understand what they can do to fight prescription painkiller abuse by workers.
Gladstone, MO – Bacterial toxins in hen houses can lead to airway irritation, inflammation and decreased lung function among workers in the egg industry, according to a report from the Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply.