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Portland, OR – Three fatal incidents have spurred the Oregon Occupational Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program to issue new toolbox talk guides.
Washington – OSHA has withdrawn from review its final rule addressing slip, trip and fall hazards – potentially creating further delay in the rule’s promulgation after more than two decades in development.
Washington – OSHA has sent a draft of its final rule on silica to the Office of Management and Budget, one of the final steps in a process that will lead to the publication of the long-awaited standard.
Washington – A new omnibus appropriations bill clears the way for OSHA to promulgate a new standard on silica, but restricts the agency’s use of non-regulatory actions such as guidance documents or letters of interpretation.
Columbus, OH – Workers with pre-diabetes who participate in workplace intervention programs may lose more weight and consume less fat, according to new research from Ohio State University.
Philadelphia – In a rare criminal conviction for a safety violation, a roofing company owner has pleaded guilty to lying to OSHA and willfully violating an OSHA rule in connection with the death of an employee.
Washington – Newly released draft guidance an OSHA advisory committee recommends that staffing firms and host employers implement a safety and health program describing the responsibilities of both entities to protect temporary workers.
Fairfax, VA – OSHA’s forthcoming crane operator qualifications rule will be different from a draft previously issued, an agency official recently told stakeholders.