
The latest occupational safety and health news



FAA issues final rule on aircraft icing standards

Washington – Manufacturers of new transport airplanes must show proof that the aircraft can safely fly in freezing drizzle or freezing rain, under a final rule issued Nov. 4 by the Federal Aviation Administration.
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New Ebola guidelines address PPE for health care workers

Washington – To help protect health care workers and other first responders against Ebola virus exposure, the InterAgency Board for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability has released a new set of recommendations for using personal protective equipment.
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Miner --- Oct2013

MSHA: 8 miners died in third quarter of 2014

Arlington, VA – Eight miners were killed on the job from July 1 to Sept. 30, bringing the total number of fatalities in 2014 to 30, the Mine Safety and Health Administration announced Oct. 28.
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