
The latest occupational safety and health news


OOIDA questions cross-border trucking program

Washington – The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is seeking answers from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration about the future of the U.S.-Mexico Cross-Border Long-Haul Trucking Pilot Program, which is set to expire Oct. 14.
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Regional Emphasis Program focuses on vehicle struck-bys

Kansas City, MO – Noting that more than one-third of all incident investigations in four Midwest states involve vehicle-related struck-by fatalities, OSHA has established a Regional Emphasis Program to help reduce the number of these incidents.
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HHS adds to list of carcinogens

Washington – The Department of Health and Human Services has added four substances to its list of cancer hazards, according to the agency’s 13th Report on Carcinogens.
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OMB completes review of PEL proposal

Washington – A review of OSHA’s proposal on chemical management and permissible exposure limits is now complete, allowing the agency to move forward on the rulemaking process.
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