Safety Tips Fire safety Injury prevention

Welding fume hazards

Photo: wnjay_wootthisak/iStockphoto

Welding processes are classified into two groups: fusion welding, which is heat alone, and pressure welding, which uses heat and pressure. Fusion welding involves three types: electric arc, gas and thermit.

All of these forms of welding produce visible smoke that contains harmful metal fume and gas byproducts, OSHA states. Welding fumes contain a variety of metals, including aluminum, arsenic, beryllium, lead and manganese. Argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen fluoride gases often are produced during welding.

Health issues

Welding fumes can cause serious health problems for workers if inhaled, according to OSHA. Short-term exposure can result in nausea, dizziness, or eye, nose and throat irritation. Prolonged exposure to welding fumes can lead to cancer of the lung, larynx and urinary tract, as well as nervous system and kidney damage. Certain gases, such as helium, carbon dioxide and argon, displace oxygen and can pose suffocation risks, OSHA notes, particularly in enclosed work areas.

OSHA offers tips to help welders reduce their exposure level to welding fumes and gases. Among them:

  • Thoroughly understand the hazards associated with welding.
  • Clean welding surfaces regularly to remove coatings that could potentially result in toxic exposure levels.
  • Stay upwind of welding fumes when working in open or outdoor areas. Be aware, however, that working outdoors or in open work environments doesn’t guarantee safe ventilation.
  • Use local exhaust ventilation systems for indoor welding. Be sure to keep exhaust ports away from other workers.
  • Never weld in a confined space that doesn’t have ventilation.
  • Wear respiratory protection if ventilation and work practices don’t adequately reduce welding fume exposure to safe levels.

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June 27, 2016
In french please thanks


June 29, 2016
Is it mandatory to have ventilation in a work space by UK h&s standards?


August 23, 2016
thanks for your health safety more info


December 7, 2016
Would you need a respirator if welding outdoors?.


February 12, 2017
I work at a manufacturing company in fla and I am being exposed to so many level of toxic in this welding field and its not that I don't know the hazardous area but my co worker just look at me crazy when I point out so many dangerous ways we can die one day my employer don't care that just love to cut corner to save big money the company just pay for a 3 million dollars building and no employee got one a dine in pay I have made report to OSHA had to say OSHA help to cover up mess just to have them pay into training programs and to pay the OSHA play fare game that's so fraudulent so I have another report to the EPA about the hard chemical and being under exposure and since then about 50 fireman's has had inspection in the new building and found the air atmosphere vapors set the company for industrial hygiene to harmful for us the company just open all the doors up I new that these finding is not for us to know but that is part of the laws we have to protect us all the right to know need to be more open we I get exposed to lead dust here I got so sick and I have five kids all under six years old we all got sick together because I made my home a toxic environment just because my body had made my car toxic because of that dust and that dust got into the House and guest what ones it get in your body it don't just go away and now I have a new project to.make about two thousand feel of oily surfaced Cains and my employer is harassing me about cleaning the oil off the surfaces the smoke is to toxic right all of them need to go to jail if you cover up death acts for money tell the truth .

November 14, 2017
yeah David you are supposed to use a respirator just due to that the fumes from welding will still rise toward your mask and be with in breathing range Hoped that helps


Peter Holden
April 29, 2019
I would like information about Welding Fume in relation to a COSHH Risk Assessment I need to prepare


Maria Gracia
May 2, 2019
The post you shared here is very informative. Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool causing fusion. Welding is distinct from lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as brazing and soldering, which do not melt the base metal.


Jennifer Russell
May 24, 2019
I am concerned about my son, he is coughing and hacking up stuff from the last 3 weeks and they do not offer masks , he’s 19 so you know the mentality of mom buying him masks to wear, he said he was in a small pit and it happens , I just know the dangers and trying to figure out how to help his situation


George Assimacopoulos
May 29, 2019
Unfortunately there is a lot of ignorance in the industry about the welding fume hazards.


Sonu Kumar Yadav
July 14, 2019


September 2, 2019
First. JENNIFER, I feel you should call OHSA.. I've been CNC Machinist 17-19 out of 31 yrs., Started age 19. Previous to 4 mths ago, I had burning tingling, pins, spasms, numbness etc , in arms, wrists, hands, feet, back, neck, face. 4/29/19, about 5-7 minutes of starting work, had monoparesis of right hand up to shoulder, right side of neck and r side of face and was sent home by HR and Safety unable to perform, experiencing after effects of TIA (ISCHEMIC MINI STROKE). Now 4 mths later, still have every symptom of pheripheral nerve damage and Coronary artery disease, while tests taken from Nuerologists and Cardiologist show negative results. (Last year too).. My body has never stopped hurting since last year when off work 8 mths for a lot of same symptoms and new symptoms as well. but mostly due tomy being a Comorbiditie (5+autoimmune diseases). They are genetic from my mother. I'm diagnosed with Sjogrens, IBD,GERD, Spondyloarthritis (ankylosing spondilitis) w/Ulcerative colitis association of america, and Osteoarthritis from Degenerative disk disease. Realizing every disease mimics the other and most every med effects mimic each other, I finally sought out my ear, nose & throat specialist. (Dr. GOVETT IN MIDWEST CITY). After examining, he asked, "have you ever been axposed metals or mold"?......yes, yes I have... I've machined everything from Aluminum turrets jaws while cutting Tungsten, which gave me walking pnuemonia, exposed to mercury tests at work years ago, welding fumes, lead, and stoped drinking water company said was fine but tasted like bleach. Also, I live in a great house that I found after moving in, the prior tenants had allowed their dog to live inside, urinating repeatedly on the dining room floor. They covered the smell by shampooing and with carpet fresh..meanwhile if I don't turn on the AC for circulation, I can smell it as well as dog. Wanting to help whoever I can, to understand and know, that no matter what a test shows on labs, etc. I've certainly learned from experience that many doctors work blind to each others work! There are so many different lab tests out there and it's up to us where and at what point we stop having tests done.'s all expensive and I'll be owing maybe the test of my life; but life is a gift and worth understanding and finding out what's really wrong with ourselves. It takes 1 mth to get back 14 lab blood tests, the metal/mold toxins require. I have severe conditions that SSI claimed me as disabled immediately and now am waiting for the other blessing if SSDIs determination. GOD willing, I'll not have to go back being subjected to more. In closing and thank you for your time, I am very blessed in finding this Specialist..had I not, I would be in disarray for many more years only becoming crippled from being misdiagnosed, as I haven't been able to attend more Physical Therapy due to funds, on lower extremities for muscle loss/weakness causing walking and raising difficulty. Also due to being too hard on body going to so many appts. May GOD bless you and keep you all. We're all going at some point some day..I kept searching so not only would I know and have the best treatment, but for my family as well..


Steven Fuller
October 19, 2019
Yes, I too work with Many Stainless steel welders (sometimes as many as 100) I color clean and grind welds for the food industry. EVERY DAY MY THROAT HURTS! (MORE LIKE BURNS) It is a good paying job and great benefits! BUT... I don't want to be breathing in Chromium and have a burning throat everyday!!!! My throat burns the worst when someone plasma cuts the stainless steel without a vent on it! Which happens all the time where I work!


Nicolae chirila
October 30, 2019
Good morning all,i just was shoked when i see on the new risk of exposure of mild steel fumes:IT CAUSE CANCER. anyway i am a manager now and i did have sone funny experiences with this hazard in case to avoid all of this for all welders in this industry of all people who are expose to welding fumes i propose only 3(probably are more )ways to avoid amy risk 1 all welders must have welding mask with air flow (mandatory) 2 all the extractors has to have at less 300 in diametre 3 whatever fumes are in the workshop to be ventileted and the air must have 0% fumes. HARD BUT NOT IMPOSIBLE ,MY COMPANY ARE WORKING ON THAT TO BE IMPLEMENTATE ASAP! I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST AND DONT FORGET: THE ONLY LIFE THAT WE HAVE IS THIS FOR ALL OF US. DONT RISK ANYTHING i also have to make a risk assesment on this metter ...i will do that!!!


Brian botterill
November 20, 2019
Hi there I work for a large vehicle repair centre and would like to know what fume extraction the company should supply as the company doesn't, supply any at all . I would like to know where I stand Many thanks brian


Joe Bonhomme
December 22, 2019
What are the best filters to use for welding fumes


Charles Riggle
January 12, 2020
What other decreases may the fumes cause? I have welded for close to 40 yrs. I have been retired close to 20 yrs. I am 74 yrs old.


February 5, 2020
My comment is for Sherry...have you ever been tested for MS? A simple MRI would do based on your symptoms. As I read your comment for Jennifer I couldn't help but think so many, possible all your symptoms resemble that of MS. I'm suggesting an MRI, with and without contrast, because if it shows anytype of lesion on the brain regardless of whether its a new one or one that has "burnt out" (not a medical term) it will show up in the MRI...w and wo contract. You may want to ask about doing an MRI of the lumbar spine also. In MS it is common for lesions to also appear within the spine. Just a suggestion. Again, your symptoms resemble that of MS particularly since they have continued to get worse over time. When left untreated/undiagnosed that will happen. Also, lets say you do have MS because its a chronic illness you'll be able to get the PT you need. Not unlimited but enough to help you feel better. I have was suspected in 2005 only I was ASYMPTOMATIC. I was very active, athletic, ate healthy, etc....Once my lifestyle was no longer as active as it was and I got complacent with eating right the MS reared its ugly head and I began experiencing exacerbations. That was 3 years ago. I am on a DMT and starting to take care of myself again...My husband who is restoring an old hot rod was welding last night, became nauseous, and vomited this morning which is how I found this article. For those experiencing any signs of toxic type symptoms try 1/2 fresh lemon in warm water in the morning before any breakfast. Lemons are natures detoxifier and good for your liver.


March 4, 2020
I suggest wearing a respirator that costs about 30- 40 dollars make sure it has 1-2 filters on it and make sure it isn’t just a sick mask. When people spray paint they also use these masks, any mask that is rated for painting, dust etc is perfect for welding


March 17, 2020
My husband works at a shop in Frederick, where he was welding. Apparently, everyone in the shop had a respirator on, due to the fumes being so bad. Except for one worker's 3 year old child, that was brought to work that day. When my husband asked the father if he should stop, til she was removed from the area, the father replied " I don't care about her." He refused to remove her from the shop, or to a safe area!!! So this child was exposed to fumes that grown men were protecting themselves from. Reading the hazards of the fumes in this article, it seems like this should be a reportable offense?


Phillip De Lara
May 23, 2020
I have a huge concern can it be bad for our health if someone always welds outside close to other neighbor!


Ashraf hamza
July 27, 2020
I am a welder I want to work with you


August 21, 2020
Recently welded on an aluminum boat, down inside with head and helmet over the weld site. I’m sure I have some lite form of argon poisoning. It’s taken 3 days to feel better. Thank you for the information!!


Walter Fuller
August 22, 2020
Welding stainless osha's standards look them up. Stainless fall under toxic substances. Chromium. Read up! Companys need to do the eye test, look at all the smoke in your shop, ventilation what a brilliant idea. Ask if you would send your kids to school in this environment? Capture fume at arc , fume extraction. All about the money, install proper air unit, or expose employees. Ambient filtration, ambient exhaust,source capture filtration source capture exhaust.4methods use a combination of these. Osha's sub part Z toxic and hazardous substances. welding stainles 1910.1026 chromium v1. Also 1910.252 general requirements. Over exposure test your blood, heavy metal screen. Educate yourself and companys. AWS Welding journal July 2019 explains exhaust and filtration combinations. Show this to the company and osha. Don't compromise your health or integrity, SPEAK UP!


jayanathwelding fume
November 3, 2020
welding fumes ,how it is effect to health and hiw it overcome and treatment


Regina Jackson
November 12, 2020
Requesting information to provide to husband and son as they regularly restore cars/trucks, 1950-1980, in our home shop as a hobby. I am being proactive in helping to avoid health issues due to not having appropriate safety information especially since my son is currently in remission of testicular cancer.


November 21, 2020
it is very helpful

Md Arshad
January 31, 2021
Thanks for your help


Michelle A Valley
February 4, 2021
Hi, My Husband Worked for a welding co. He Just Died of lung cancer, that had spread, to ,his brain & some other,organ's & I see that people have law suit. I was wondering, who to contact, about! this??


February 25, 2021
I wanted to ask of wearing a respirator protects against welding fumes fully? Im a welder amf love my job but want to be sure that it is safe as long as you wear proper PPE


July 14, 2021
Hi there my name is jacob i currently work for a fencing company that Welds in a confined space with just a fan as ventilation this is 2020 fence stretchers are in the same area as the welders. We live in Michigan would love for someone to reach out to me due too multiple issues with the company's structure and viability and safety

July 15, 2021
Jacob: Please visit MIOSHA's website for instructions on filing an anonymous complaint:,5863,7-336-94422_11407_15333-93835--,00.html. A toll-free number is available for life-threatening situations: 800-866-4674. Please be safe.


Roy research
July 28, 2021
Fumes and particle of welding creates health hazard. Specially copper or alluminium coating. Alternative coating for smooth and less fumes as well as low spatter desirable.


Oyebo Aderoju
August 5, 2021
Please can welding fumes causes arc eye


November 6, 2021
I worked in an oil yard in the Highlands for a number of years ,the 30 years later welders and fabricators are now dropping like flies dieing before there time ,nothing said all brushed under the carpet.will be the same for small fab shops that don't supply extraction proper ventalation and masks,because it costs too much .when i was 36 years of age i had a work medical ,the nurse told me i had the lungs of a 65 year old. i am now 55 years of age i now work on build site on a Telehandler fork lungs are bad ,and my back gives me problems through the years when i was engineering.I know i wont see retirement.


Joseph Mgoga
November 11, 2021
Can a musk for covid 19 be used as a respirator in an indoor poor ventilated welding work shop????


Kabanda Joram Kusasira
December 6, 2021
I do thank you for the great work you a doing and am penning off by requesting if possible create PDF.


Emmanuel Fobil
April 24, 2022
Am Emmanuel Fobil from Ghana Africa am 32 years old boy please am welder Boilermaker search for job opportunity


March 2, 2023
Where I work I load a robot welder with 2 operations. As soon as each operation is finished we have to go right into robot area & for op #1 , switch over to op # 2 & when op # 2 is done we go back in & get it & take it to a table to be hand welded. With both operations a crap ton of smoke is produced & going in immediately after the robot is finished welding I am going right into all that smoke. I have dizziness, lightheartedness, headaches, stomach pains, very sore throat, bloody mucus. What should I do?