Workplace Solutions Respiratory protection

Respirator fit tests and facial hair

If I can get a worker with facial hair to pass a quantitative fit test using a PortaCount, can I then allow that worker to wear the full facepiece without him needing to shave?

Image: Honeywell

Responding is Victoria Frank, senior product marketing manager, respiratory, Honeywell, Morris Plains, NJ.

The short answer? Absolutely not.

This question comes up quite a bit, especially now that it’s popular and fashionable for men to have facial hair.

A PortaCount is a machine that measures air pressure inside the mask. If you have a worker with a beard, or even stubble, and he manages to tighten down his respirator to pass a PortaCount test once, it doesn’t matter because the NIOSH requirement states that you may not have facial hair that would interfere with the seal of a facepiece.

Although a worker might pass the PortaCount on a particular day, facial hair still represents an unacceptable risk of breaking the mask’s face seal. Really, the worker needs to be clean-shaven. The exceptions might be a small “soul patch” underneath the lip or a mustache so small that the seal of the mask never touches it.

Two methods are used for fit testing – qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative is less expensive and easy to administer, but the Assigned Protection Factor for the mask is rated at a lower level. (Details on qualitative fit testing can be found in the OSHA standards on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.)

Some work environments have known health risks because of exposures to certain contaminants. In these instances, employers may use a more stringent fit-test method and quantitatively test workers with a PortaCount.

Annual fit testing (per OSHA 1910.134 App A) with a PortaCount machine usually takes 20 minutes per worker. The worker dons the respirator that has a probe and tube that connects with the PortaCount. The worker completes a series of exercises – looking side to side, bending over, grimacing, etc. – to test if he or she can break the seal. If the seal remains intact, the worker has successfully fit tested with that style mask in that particular size. Workers cannot substitute the mask for a different size or style without additional fit testing.

Immediate fit testing would be required for employees who have significant changes to their facial shape that might affect the fit of their respirator. This includes weight fluctuations of 10 pounds or more, new dentures, facial scars or piercings. The worker would have to be fit tested again.

In all instances, however, facial hair never is allowed. If a worker refuses to shave, he cannot work in the contaminated area using a tight-fitting facepiece. The supervisor may have the worker reassigned to another area not requiring respiratory protection. Or, in cases where employees’ skills are valuable, employers may allow those workers to keep their beards if they change to a hood. However, a hood can’t take cartridges or filters – it requires a positive pressure solution (powered air purifying or supplied air). Both of these options are more expensive and more complicated to use and maintain.

Respiratory protection is serious business. For this reason, facial hair with a full facepiece – regardless of fit-test results – remains an absolute “no.”

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July 24, 2017
Victoria, You are correct in your assessment that no matter whether the employee passes or not they should never have facial hair that interferes with the sealing edge of the mask. Please note though that the Portacount does not measure pressure in the mask, it measure particles in the mask and compares them to particles outside the mask to get a Fit Factor. This method assures that the employee WHILE doing simulated movements that could occur in the work place are properly protected.


July 24, 2017
This is a very informative article! It clearly shows how certain aspects of a Portacount fit test can be manipulated just to gain a Passing Fit Test - definitely not the most health protective way to do things.


Scott Norman
July 24, 2017
Great answer to a question that always comes up regarding fit testing. Facial hair that interferes with the sealing surface of the respirator or the valve function is not allowed when using a tight fitting respirator. This is clearly stated in the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 1910.134. I teach customers how to use the PortaCount. One example I like to use is an illustration that shows how small the 20 nanometer particles are that the PortaCount can measure. Facial hair is huge compared to these 20 nanometer particles. Beards are not designed to filter out these tiny particles. Gas and vapor molecules are even smaller. If someone is trusting their respirator to protect them from a harmful atmosphere, having hair between their face and the respirator seal is not a good idea and is not allowed by OSHA. Adding to earlier comments, the PortaCount is an instrument that measures particles to determine a fit factor. The other recognized commercially available instrument for quantitative fit testing is called the Quantifit, it uses controlled negative pressure to measure leakage into the respirator mask. Facial hair can cause leaks with both methods of quantitative fit testing. Like most other tests, yes, there are ways to cheat and pass the test with facial hair. But when your safety is on the line, why would someone want to cheat just to pass a fit test.


Chris Dziadyk
March 5, 2018
What if someone has a beard for religious purposes? But the employer requires clean shaven in the very unlikely chance they will have to wear a full face respirator?


Rob Brauch
July 28, 2018
I find the continual and blatant use of a Commercial product name in this educational article to be a little disconcerting. Per S+H's own guideline for even just commenting on articles, which is stated clearly above, (and I quote: "Safety+Health welcomes comments that promote respectful dialogue. Please stay on topic. Comments that contain personal attacks, profanity or abusive language – or those aggressively promoting products or services – will be removed ") the promotion of products or services should clearly be avoided, yet this author has used a Trademarked Name of a well-known commercial product a total of 6 times in an article of fewer than 500 words. I believe the Publisher should be much more consistent and assiduous in enforcing its own criteria and guidelines for accepting articles such as this one for publication.


February 21, 2019
I am an OH nurse and an employee in the company does not want to shave his beard. He has a small beard on his chin. He is de-bagging woodflour occassionaly, he hasn't done this for 2 years.. but may be called upon to do it at anytime. His reason for not shaving is deeply personal reasons, an expression of his self and Part of his identity ( all his words) how does the company stand on this. He also states it is against his human rights asking him to shave.


February 24, 2019
Inaccurate article you may have facial hair for religious purposes as so long it doesn’t come between the seal of the respirator. Do your research.


Anthony Fewkes
May 12, 2019
The standards say that you must not have facial hair that interferes with the seal, if you are able to pass a portacount test then the facial hair clearly does not interfere with the seal.


Björn Svensson
March 14, 2023
I do understand that if you have a fullface respirator and beard, that will increase the risk for intake quite a lot. If you have a beard you´re guided to use a hood or something like it and a PAPR( Powered air purifying respirator). But if you use a fullface respirator and a PAPR and having a beard. What is the risk for intake? there will be overpressure inside the mask. I have tried to find information on this but failed so please help me out. And is there a test made under these circumstances?


Bearded bob
April 24, 2024
Shouldn't everyone also have to shave their head ? The rubber straps that hold the mask on can slide over (especially) long hair and tufts of hair may shift with movement .. causing the mask to zhift/ move.. thus compromising the seal.