Federal agencies

Updated OSHA agenda reflects Trump administration's focus on de-regulation

OSHA regulatory agenda

As expected under the new administration, potential regulatory action from OSHA has been cut by more than half, according to the Department of Labor’s updated agenda released July 20.

The report, typically published twice a year, lists the statuses of and projected dates for all regulations. The updated agenda lists 14 OSHA regulations in three different stages – pre-rule, proposed rule and final rule – compared with 30 on the fall 2016 agenda.

Overall, 469 proposed federal regulations have been withdrawn and a combined 391 have been reclassified as “long-term” or “inactive” to allow for “further careful review.”

“This agenda represents the beginning of fundamental regulatory reform and a reorientation toward reducing unnecessary regulatory burden on the American people. By amending and eliminating regulations that are ineffective, duplicative and obsolete, the administration can promote economic growth and innovation, and protect individual liberty,” the agenda’s preamble states.

President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order on Jan. 30 requiring federal agencies to cut two regulations for every new one that is proposed. The White House published a guidance memo three days later clarifying that the Executive Order would apply only to those regulations with a proposed cost of $100 million or more.

The Natural Resources Defense Council, fellow watchdog organization Public Citizen and the Communications Workers of America labor union filed a lawsuit on Feb. 8, claiming the order “directs federal agencies to engage in unlawful actions that will harm countless Americans.”

Only one OSHA regulation, Standards Improvement Project IV, is listed as being in the final rule stage, in part because the Occupational Exposure to Beryllium final rule was moved back to the proposed rule stage on June 27. Under the new administration, OSHA is seeking to remove specific provisions regarding worker exposure in construction and shipyard industries.

The final rule on beryllium went into effect May 20. In the interim, OSHA stated that it is not enforcing it in the two industries and is seeking comments on its new proposal until Aug. 28.

President Trump also signed a Congressional Review Act resolution on April 4 to strike down the “Volks” rule, which was published in December. That regulation allowed OSHA to issue citations for inadequate injury and illness recordkeeping for five-and-a-half years instead of the current six-month statute of limitations. In May, five members of Congress introduced the Accurate Workplace Injury and Illness Records Restoration Act, which would reinstitute the “Volks” rule, but that bill remains in committee.

Also removed from the regulatory agenda:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Combustible Dust
  • Preventing Backover Injuries and Fatalities
  • Revocation of Obsolete Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
  • 1-Bromopropane (1-BP) Standard
  • Noise in Construction
  • Occupational Exposure to Styrene
  • Updating Requirements for the Selection, Fit Testing and Use of Hearing Protection Devices

Now listed under “long-term” actions:

  • Update to the Hazard Communication Standard
  • Amendments to the Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard
  • Process Safety Management and Prevention of Major Chemical Accidents
  • Shipyard Fall Protection – Scaffolds, Ladders and Other Working Surfaces
  • Emergency Response and Preparedness
  • Infectious Disease
  • Tree Care Standard
  • Prevention of Workplace Violence in Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements – Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Column
  • Rules of Agency Practice and Procedure Concerning OSHA Access to Employee Medical Records

“In his first speech as President of the United States, Donald Trump pledged that every decision he made would be to benefit the nation’s workers,” Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project, said in a July 20 statement. “The administration’s Spring Regulatory Agenda reflects yet again just how hollow the president’s promise has been.”

Along with the rulemaking on beryllium, proposed rules carried over from fall 2016 or added to the agenda include:

  • Quantitative Fit Testing Protocol: Amendment to the Final Rule on Respiratory Protection
  • Crane Operator Qualification in Construction
  • Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Exemption Expansions for Railroad Roadway Work
  • Technical Corrections to 16 OSHA Standards
  • Puerto Rico State Plan
  • Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
  • Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

Five regulations remain in the pre-rule stage, a decrease from 16 this past fall: Communication Tower Safety, Mechanical Power Presses Update, Powered Industrial Trucks, Lock-Out/Tag-Out Update, and Blood Lead Level for Medical Removal.

Much of the agency’s Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems final rule, issued in November 2016 under the Obama administration, has gone into effect since January, and three of its six remaining provisions are scheduled to be phased in by the end of this year.

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July 28, 2017


August 5, 2017
We need to continue to oppose, and not just delay but remove, the public embarrassment rule for employers to display their OSHA 300A on a public website set up by OSHA. It will not work the way OSHA says it will. It will allow competitors to view private information about their competition.


Marcus Mukai
September 7, 2017
As a safety professional in the transit industry, I do not support any "rollbacks" to OSHA's mission in keeping workers safe and free from workplace injuries and fatalities. There will be negative impacts to worker safety and OSHA's role in this hyperbolic world of political rhetoric from our White House is more critical than ever. Good luck, OSHA...and we'll have your backs until a new administration is voted in by responsible Americans who understand what it means to protect all of us in the workplace.


September 12, 2017
As an American citizen who is a very productive member of my community, state, and country I believe it is the responsibility of the people to keep themselves safe and if they are in a job in which they do no feel safe, don't work for that company! There are many companies out there who are doing a great job with safety. If OSHA would reward the companies that take seriously the reasonable safety regulations with a tax break or something like that I think more companies would step up and be willing to comply. It's the over regulation of the government in the business and affairs of the citizens of the US that is the problem...extreme government oversight has been operating for too long in most all areas of "free enterprise" because of the bureaucrats and greed in the federal government! We are not stupid and we do not need to be "ruled"...Finally we have a President who seems to believe in the citizens of this great nation and understand we do not need the government to over step and make us live under heavy burdens of red tape and taxes... He understands this nation was built and will continue to thrive because of the great people and citizens and not because of government control. Government agency's that have overstepped it's authority with over reaching power are trying to push us in the direction of socialism, which we all know from history does not benefit the working class people! We the people need to own the responsibilities we have as business owners to do what is right for our employees and not be bullied by government entities that want to have too much control! I think OSHA needs to concentrate more on getting the necessary safety information into the hands of companies who want it and do all possible to support the companies who are doing a good job with safety. The companies who are not, if people would stop working for them they would fail...the people are the key, not the heavy burden of over regulating and government interference with too much power! I do not appreciate or agree with the slams on our President in the article above...People, step up and do what is right and we can eliminate the power of the Feds in our private lives and businesses!


Mary Joy DelConte
October 2, 2017
OSHA regulations, especially training requirements, prevent injury to workers. Preventing injuries to workers saves everyone money. In fact, Companies remain in business and profit by complying with OSHA regulations. Most importantly, american workers are protected to a certain extent by OSHA training requirements. Further, without these regulations worker compensation insurance carriers will eliminate companies and drastic economic impacts will occur. Trump would be contradicting himself by deregulating worker health and safety regulations.


November 7, 2017
As a Safety Professional, I think they should also be taking a careful look at all Federal Agencies. For example, the Railroad Commission of Texas is already doing the work of PHMSA on Pipeline Safety Compliance and the Railroad Commission of Texas is fully capable of doing it without the oversight of PHMSA. PHMSA funds have been cut and that means they need to increase fines to make up the difference. One auditor told me they were told in a training session that they should have 3 violations within the first 15 minutes of an audit. Current audits are now more an audit of words in manuals than a performance of tasks on a pipeline to ensure it is being operated safely in the public domain; with the primary goal of writing violations. The current relationship between pipeline operators and PHMSA will take a severe turn for the worse if the focus of PHMSA continues to be looking for ways to increase fines. There are ways to make pipelines safer and at the same time make them less expensive to operate!


December 19, 2017
I spent 35 years as a technical writer for machines of all types, and during that time, OSHA played an integral role in the safety aspects of the manuals. Glad I'm no longer doing it, cause I'm not too sure I could ignore including safety as a part of the manuals.


July 3, 2018
It would be nice if we could just say that if OSHA stopped all that pesky regulating and just rewarded the good companies, then all employers would do the right thing for their employees. But that is not how life works. No one is preventing employers from taking advantage of the current educational resources provided by OSHA consultation offices, for example. Some employers will not voluntarily provide employees with the appropriate training and equipment to do a job safely, simply because that costs money. While there are conscientious employers out there, others are simply not going to do the right thing unless they absolutely have to.


August 24, 2018
In response to Karen's comment: " I believe it is the responsibility of the people to keep themselves safe and if they are in a job in which they do no feel safe, don't work for that company!" There are SO many chemicals in workplaces that are carcinogens and these cancers sometimes don't show up for 20+ years down the road after exposure. Many companies are not doing appropriate safety explaining the importance of wearing protective equipment or that the chemicals the workers are being exposed to are even cancer causing. Many of the employees are young, uneducated and how the heck are they supposed to know they chemicals they are working with could cause them a cancer 20 years down the road? OSHA hasn't updated the chemical list since the 1970's. " Business owners to do what is right for our employees" I TOTALLY disagree with your comment regarding this. Is this why companies spend $$$$ paying defense attorneys for employees who have been stricken with cancer and will do everything in their power not to give the employee a dime when they got cancer from the chemicals their company exposed them to????!!! Do you REALLY think many of these employees care about the welfare of their employees???? Many of them, it's about money and money alone, who cares that I gave my employee cancer from exposing them to Benzene, Asbestos... I do, however, agree with your comments about the government. I think OSHA, EPA all need to be run under private entities and not the government, but then again, I agree and think everything should be run privately and not the government.


Emma Goff
May 10, 2019
How has the elimination or failure to enforce safety rules impacted employment? Seems like employment would increase since companies can do more without these rules in place.


Yolanda Martínez
March 11, 2020
Trump to protect nations worker hipócritas!! The reason osha was implemented was to protect nations worker from large corporations abuse. Please put out these reports. Extremely important. Trump only care for himself.