Upcoming NSC Divisions events
The National Safety Council Professional Safety Network, also known as the NSC Divisions, invites all NSC members to start off the new year by attending one or more upcoming Divisions events. These events are free to all NSC members.
The Government & Public Sector Division will host a webinar and conference call at 10 a.m. Central on Jan. 14. Division business will be discussed, and Emily Whitcomb, NSC senior program manager, advocacy, will present “The High Cost of Fatigue.”
The Construction & Utilities Division will host a webinar and conference call at 10 a.m. Central on Jan. 16. Division business will be covered, followed by a presentation by Josh Jones, CSP, senior corporate safety specialist at Alliant Energy. The presentation is titled, “Alliant Energy’s Pre-Job Briefing Journey.”
To join an NSC Division, complete the online Professional Safety Network/Divisions application. Membership is free, and members may join more than one Division.