NSC appoints Lorraine Martin president, CEO

Lorraine Martin

Itasca, IL — Lorraine Martin is the new president and CEO of the National Safety Council, the nonprofit organization announced May 7.

Martin comes to NSC from Pegasus Springs Foundation. As co-founder and president of the foundation, she focused on providing opportunities for educators, students and community members to collaborate on learning models. Prior to Pegasus, Martin was executive vice president and deputy of Rotary and Mission Systems at Lockheed Martin, leading a team of 34,000 global employees in more than 75 worldwide facilities. She also was an officer in the U.S. Air Force, where she held various leadership positions for software-intensive technology and development programs.

As a champion for advancing women and girls in STEM, Martin recently was named one of STEMConnector’s 100 Corporate Women Leaders, and she frequently lectures on core issues related to the cause.

“Saving lives and preventing needless injuries is a noble mission, and one I was drawn to immediately,” Martin said in a May 7 press release. “I am deeply passionate and committed to keeping people safe wherever they are, and I will bring that commitment to NSC as we work to eliminate all preventable deaths.”

Martin assumes the post June 3.

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