Federal agencies Transportation Leadership Transportation

Robert Sumwalt remains NTSB chair


Washington — Robert Sumwalt has been reconfirmed as chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, days before his term was set to expire and ahead of Congress’ five-week recess.

The Senate on Aug. 1 voted to extend Sumwalt’s term for three years.

NTSB Vice Chair Bruce Landsberg would have taken over as acting chair until the Senate reconvened, but with only one member, NTSB would have lacked a quorum of three members.

Sumwalt has served with NTSB since August 2006 and was sworn in as its 14th chair in August 2017, succeeding Christopher Hart.

The Senate also reconfirmed Jennifer Homendy as an NTSB board member for a term that expires Dec. 31, 2024.

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