
‘A Basic Guide to Federal Rulemaking and Small Business’: Group unveils resource

Photo: Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy

Washington — To help small-business owners understand their role in the federal rulemaking process – including rules on worker safety and health – the Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy has published a guide.

The four-page document, A Basic Guide to Federal Rulemaking and Small Business, details how a potential rule begins and explains the rulemaking steps; considerations for small businesses; and how the process allows small-business owners to share their comments, experiences and potential alternative solutions under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980.

The guide also includes tips to make comment letters more effective so that the voices of small-business owners are heard in the rulemaking process.

“Small businesses often ask us how they can be heard when a rule is proposed,” SBA acting Chief Counsel Major Clark said in an Oct. 17 press release. “[This new resource] will be incredibly helpful in answering those questions.”

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