
Faucet/eyewash station


The SEF-1880 Eyesaver incorporates two separate water channels in the faucet body: one for the eyewash and the other for the faucet. When combined with a thermostatic mixing valve, this dual design ensures the integrated eyewash delivers a consistently safe, tepid water temperature. The Optimus aerated spray creates a gentle cleansing experience for the affected eye area. The unit is activated by a single pull on a well-marked, dedicated lever. Certified to meet all relevant OSHA and ANSI requirements, the SEF-1880 Eyesaver is easily connected to any point-of-use emergency thermostatic mixing valve. The faucet flow rate is 1.2 gallons a minute, while the eyewash flow rate is 2 gallons a minute at 30 PSI.


Product information is provided by manufacturers. This publication has not independently tested manufacturers' products and cannot assume responsibility for the validity of product claims.

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