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Biden administration launches Heat.gov

Photo: HEAT.gov

Washington — The creation of a website with heat- and health-related information is one of several measures recently taken by the Biden administration in response to extreme heat being experienced across the nation.

Heat.gov, the web portal for the National Integrated Heat Health Information System, is intended to provide real-time data and response resources to “equip local officials and the public with robust and accessible information,” a White House press release states. The website also features resources on extreme heat conditions and preparedness.

Similarly, OSHA is working on a standard that addresses heat illness in outdoor and indoor settings, and published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking in October.

In April, the agency launched a National Emphasis Program aimed at protecting workers from outdoor and indoor heat exposure. Since then, OSHA has conducted more than 500 heat-related inspections, focusing on 70 high-risk industries.

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