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You’ve got more time to submit Safe-in-Sound award nominations


Photo: NIOSH

Washington — NIOSH has extended until Aug. 18 the nomination deadline for its 2023 Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award

The award recognizes organizations that “document measurable achievements in hearing loss prevention,” allowing NIOSH to “obtain and disseminate information on their real-world successes.”

Also eligible are “individuals, organizations and/or business entities from any industrial sector dedicated to fostering, creating, and implementing new and unique evidence-based advances in hearing loss prevention and creating solutions to real workplace challenges.”

To submit a nomination, email [email protected] and explain how the program represents excellence in hearing loss prevention. Also, identify the nominee and include their contact information, along with a brief description of the noise control or other hearing loss prevention interventions that suggest excellence or innovation.

Self-nominations are accepted.

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