Safety Tips Injury prevention Warehouse safety

Get re-engaged with safety

Photo: Vithun Khamsong/gettyimages

You’ve been in your current position for years. You can do your job tasks on “autopilot,” moving from step to step without thinking too much about what you’re doing.

If this describes you, then you could be putting yourself at risk of injury. “Though you might think you’re immune,” the National Safety Council says, “it can be as simple as letting your guard down, losing focus or not looking for hazards as often as you should.”

NSC has suggestions for staying engaged at work:

  • Start each shift by thinking through your tasks and planning for the day.
  • Improve workplace safety conditions by notifying leadership about any hazards.
  • Make suggestions or ask questions at team meetings.
  • Talk to your supervisor about trying new tasks.
  • Seek out opportunities to learn something new.
  • Help your co-workers without being asked.

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