Inspections Bus/limo/taxi Trucking Transportation

Annual truck and bus brake inspection blitz set for Aug. 25-31

commercial vehicle safety alliance
Photo: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

Greenbelt, MD — Commercial motor vehicle inspectors across North America will conduct brake system inspections – announced and unannounced – Aug. 25-31 during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s annual Brake Safety Week.

The inspectors are expected to put special emphasis on brake linings and pads.

Last year’s event had nearly 19,000 inspections and identified almost 2,400 vehicles with out-of-service conditions.

Brake Safety Week is part of Brake Safety Awareness Month. The event is aligned with CVSA’s Operation Airbrake campaign – a program conducted in partnership with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, and Mexico’s National Guard and Ministry of Communications and Transportation.

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