Bus/limo/taxi Rail Transportation

For school bus drivers: Free videos on rail crossing safety

Photo: Operation Lifesaver

Washington — In an effort to help school bus drivers make safe choices at railroad crossings, a rail safety education group has released a series of free training videos.

Operation Lifesaver’s Decide Smart, Arrive Safe series features information and actionable safety procedures. Four videos are available:

  • Know the Signs and Signals: Reviews important signage and signals around railroad crossings and what they mean.
  • Know the Facts: Features train safety facts to keep drivers and their passengers safe around railroad crossings.
  • In Their Own Words: Takes viewers aboard a school bus and includes a demonstration of safe railroad crossing procedures. Also, veteran school bus drivers sharing real-life experiences and safety tips.
  • 5 Alive!: Shares the five steps all school bus drivers should take to make every railroad crossing a safe one.

“While crossing incidents involving school buses are infrequent, this new resource can help stop track tragedies and save lives,” Operation Lifesaver Executive Director Rachel Maleh said in a press release.

The group also offers a facilitation guide for school bus driver trainers, a guide for school bus driver trainees and a post-training quiz.

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