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Corteva Agriscience receives 2024 Robert W. Campbell Award


Orlando, FL — Corteva Agriscience is the recipient of the 2024 Robert W. Campbell Award – a National Safety Council honor for organizations that successfully integrate environmental, health and safety management with business operations.

Representatives from Corteva – an Indianapolis-based agricultural company that provides seed and crop protection solutions worldwide – accepted the award Sunday as part of the Campbell Award Reception and Gala during the 2024 NSC Safety Congress & Expo.

Corteva employs more than 22,500 workers and 14,000 contractors in 140 countries. The company reports that, under the leadership of CEO Chuck Magro, it observed a 31% reduction in its OSHA recordable incident rate from 2022 to 2023.

“Corteva is very clear on safety responsibilities being at all levels within the organization,” a Campbell Award assessor said, “and workers interviewed demonstrated that they understand it is their responsibility to look out for themselves and others.” 

Added NSC President and CEO Lorraine M. Martin: “Corteva’s safety record and culture stand out in not only the agriculture industry but among all fields. At Corteva, the value of safety is embedded at its core, with ‘safety’ being the top word used to describe its company culture by employees and leaders at every level.”

NSC established the award in 2004 to honor Campbell, a safety pioneer who served as the organization’s first president, beginning in 1913. His leadership during the council’s formation drove the development of organized incident prevention efforts on a national scale.

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