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Professional drivers receive recognition for being safe


Orlando, FL — The National Safety Council, during the 2024 NSC Safety Congress & Expo, honored 14 professional drivers who have helped make roads and communities safer.

This year’s recipients of the Joseph M. Kaplan Safe Driver of the Year Award were recognized for an exemplary total driving record, including miles and years driven without a preventable crash:

Safe driver
  • Dave Allen, UPS Canada
  • Dean Bellini, Teichert Construction
  • Hugh Cahill, UPS
  • Craig Campbell, UPS
  • Johnny Lemos, UPS
  • Timothy McDade, UPS
  • Merrill Miller, UPS
  • Jerry Sadler, UPS
  • Carter Scott, U.S. Postal Service
  • Earl Sutton, UPS
  • Floyd Tackett, U.S. Postal Service
  • Keith Tompkins, U.S. Postal Service
  • Jeffrey Wieczorek, UPS
  • Chong Wong, U.S. Postal Service
Safe driver

“While a lot has changed in the 60 years since NSC launched our first-of-its-kind defensive driving course, the heart of the program remains the same – to save lives on our roads,” NSC President and CEO Lorraine M. Martin said. “Leaders like the 2024 DDC Award recipients set the standard for teaching and exercising safety on the road. Thanks to them we are making our roadways safer for everyone.”

The recipients were recognized during the Opening Session on Monday and as part of Tuesday’s National Awards Celebration.

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