FMCSA seeks feedback on CMV entry-level training requisition

Washington – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has scheduled a listening session (.pdf file) on March 22 on commercial motor vehicle driver entry-level training requirements. The session will take place during the 2013 Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, KY.

The surface transportation funding bill known as MAP-21, which was signed into law July 2012, requires FMCSA to establish minimum entry-level training requirements for CMV drivers by Oct. 1. FMCSA is seeking feedback on whether the requirements should mandate a minimum number of training hours, a set of safe driving competencies or both. Also, participants are encouraged to comment on whether motorcoach operators should receive supplemental training.

The listening session also will be available via webcast, with link information to be posted on FMCSA’s website prior to the event.

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