Office safety
25 steps to a safer office

Office safety: 25 steps to a safer office


Photo:  Missouri Department of Transportation


  • Falls are the most common source of injury in an office, although workers also are injured by being struck by or against objects, and suffering ergonomic injuries.
  • Some simple changes to the workspace can be effective in eliminating hazards and reducing the number of injuries.
  • Administrative interventions such as scheduled walk-throughs and the establishment of a formal reporting system can help protect workers in an office environment.

It's fairly obvious that safety and health hazards can exist on worksites filled with heavy machinery and equipment, where employees often are required to engage in strenuous manual labor.

A job where most of the work tasks are completed while sitting in a chair in a climate-controlled office building would seem less fraught with danger. However, a surprising number of hazards can be present in an office setting.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80,410 private-industry office and administrative workers suffered on-the-job injuries in 2008. Many of these injuries could have been prevented had workers or supervisors recognized the risks and implemented simple workplace modifications to help mitigate them.

Here are 25 steps you can take to reduce the risk of injury among your office staff.


Slips, trips and falls, the most common type of office injury, sidelined 25,790 workers in 2008, according to BLS. Several hazards contribute to these injuries, although most can be significantly reduced, often by raising awareness among employees. 


Stay clutter-free
Boxes, files and various items piled in walkways can create a tripping hazard, according to OSHA. Be certain that all materials are safely stored in their proper location to prevent buildup of clutter in walkways. Further, in addition to posing an electrical hazard, stretching cords across walkways or under rugs creates a tripping hazard, so ensure all cords are properly secured and covered. 


Step on up
Standing on chairs – particularly rolling office chairs – is a significant fall hazard. Workers who need to reach something at an elevated height should use a stepladder. The Chicago-based American Ladder Institute cautions that stepladders must be fully opened and placed on level, firm ground. Workers should never climb higher than the step indicated as the highest safe standing level.  


Maintain a clear line of vision
Workers can collide when making turns in the hallways and around blind corners or cubicle walls. The National Safety Council suggests installing convex mirrors at intersections to help reduce collisions. If workers can see who is coming around the corner, collisions are less likely to occur.   


Get a grip
Carpeting and other skid-resistant surfaces can serve to reduce falls. Marble or tile can become very slippery – particularly when wet, according to the National Safety Council. Placing carpets down can be especially helpful at entranceways, where workers are likely to be coming in with shoes wet from rain or snow. 

Struck/caught by

Another major type of injury in the office setting comes from workers being struck by or caught by an object. Incidents of this nature accounted for 15,680 injuries in 2008, according to BLS. 


Shut the drawer
File cabinets with too many fully extended drawers could tip over if they are not secured, the council warns. Additionally, open drawers on desks and file cabinets pose a tripping hazard, so be sure to always completely close drawers when not in use. 


Safe stacking
According to the Office of Compliance, which oversees the safety of U.S. congressional workers, proper storage of heavy items can help reduce the number of office injuries. Large stacks of materials and heavy equipment can cause major injuries if they are knocked over. OOC recommends storing heavy objects close to the floor, and warns that the load capacity of shelves or storage units should never be exceeded.

Ergonomics injuries

Perhaps the most prevalent injuries in an office setting are related to ergonomics. Because office workers spend the bulk of their day seated at a desk and working on a computer, they are prone to strains and other injuries related to posture and repetitive movement. Ergonomics hazards can be difficult to detect. “Most office conditions that can be described as hazardous from an ergonomics perspective would appear quite innocuous to the everyday observer,” said Marc Turina, principal consultant for ErgoSmart Consultants in McKees Rocks, PA.


Provide adjustable equipment
One size does not fit all in an office workstation. “Adjustability is the key,” Turina said. “Chairs, work surfaces, monitor stands, etc., should all be adjustable in order to accommodate the widest range of employees.” He recommended presenting a variety of options to employees. Although employers may be reluctant to pay for expensive ergonomic equipment, experts insist the equipment is a wise investment. “A good keyboard tray may retail around $300; a good chair may retail around $500 to $700,” said Sonia Paquette, professional ergonomist and doctor of occupational therapy. She points out that the cost of the health claims that stem from not having these devices is much higher. “Some of these hard claims cost many tens of thousands of dollars just of medical treatment, let alone cost of replacement, absenteeism, loss of work production, etc.” 


Train workers on how to use equipment
Providing adjustable furniture and equipment is only the first step in creating an ergonomically sound workstation. “A big issue that I have encountered a lot lately is employee inability to properly adjust their own office chairs,” Turina said. “Many times, employers can invest $500 in an excellent adjustable chair, but employees still experience a bad workstation fit.” The problem often is twofold: Workers do not know how to adjust their equipment, and they do not know the most ergonomically beneficial way to set up their workstation. Train workers on both the ideal setup and how to operate adjustable equipment accordingly.


Keep your feet on the floor
One of the first questions Paquette asks workers is whether their feet touch the floor when seated at their desk. “It sounds like an incredibly simple question,” she said, “but very often workers have their keyboard tray on the desktop, so in order to reach it, they need to jack up their chair so high that their feet can barely touch the floor.” She added that unless an employee’s feet are on the floor, a chair will not be able to reduce pain and discomfort. She recommended options such as adjustable keyboard trays or rolling tables adjusted to the proper height to eliminate this problem. Although footrests are a “second-best option,” their small surface may impede some of the worker’s movement. 


Provide document holders
Frequently typing from hard copy can lead to neck strain if a worker is forced to repeatedly look down to the desk and back to the computer screen. Turina recommends providing document holders to reduce this strain. “These document holders are reasonably priced, and eliminate excessive cervical motion and help to prevent muscle imbalances,” he said. Document holders also are good for the eyes, according to the St. Louis-based American Optometric Association. Keeping reference materials close to the monitor reduces the need for your eyes to change focus as you look from the document to the monitor. 


Correct mouse placement
Paquette often sees workstations where the computer keyboard is on a tray, but the mouse remains on the desk. “That spells disaster for the neck and shoulder on the side of that mouse,” she said. She recommends that the mouse always be placed beside the keyboard.

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Alicia Ward
September 23, 2014
Very real and true.


abdul kadir osali
October 16, 2014
Dear Sir, please include the safety in office the tools and horseplay with it in your next session.


November 2, 2014
thanks for the enlightment, i really appriciate this


November 18, 2014
I want to know the volume of this article...because I need it for my research


Safety+Health magazine
November 20, 2014
Faith: Vol. 183, No. 6. Best of luck with your research.


March 12, 2015
What about benefits of installing automatic doors for people who's pushing heavy carts of materials and or test equipments


June Polomon
March 23, 2015
These tips are very helpful. Though they seem to be minor changes but contribute greatly for a safe workplace.


July 20, 2015
Keeping pantries and refrigerators offered to employees clean (especially the refrigerators!) could keep down on food-related illness and healthy air quality!


Manuel Dominguez
November 20, 2015
The 25 helpful tips are surely going to make my work area more healthy and safe, I learned a lot of things, thank you lots.


April 2, 2016
Excellent guidance ! I'm using your tips in training employees. Thanks for the initiative & support


Ronald Miranda
April 12, 2016
With all the package delivery and the use of scanners in vehicles these days ( not while driving , of course) are there any studies on the ergonomics of the mobile office that is delivery vehicles?


Lockout India
May 14, 2016
Ah, thank you so much for this great list! The 'Vision Problems' head reminded me of a colleague who had to see an eye doctor for recurring headache and dry eyes caused by looking at computer all day. Employers need to forego their greed for money, and encourage their employees to relax their eyes now & then too.


July 6, 2016
Is working with your back facing the entryway a safety concern?


August 30, 2016
Love this post !


September 26, 2016
While everything is important, standing on office chairs can be very dangerous. Each office should have a small commercial type ladder with a 300 lb. rating. They can prevent disabling injuries or even death. When buying a ladder, never skimp on cost.


Chuck Myers
December 12, 2016
I'd like to get an electronic version of this article for distribution to my offices.

Ipaye Olamide
January 10, 2017
Very helpful for an HSE beginner like me. Thanks for the info


Valliappan Murugayah
January 16, 2017
Interesting inputs and valuable safety hazards experience sharing. Thank you. Please keep updates.


Laurie L
February 3, 2017
In our work, office exposures are something we consult on every day. This article is most helpful, and I would love an electronic version to distribute to those who would benefit from it. Do we have permission to share with others? Thank you so much!


February 16, 2017
I work in a large open office environment and they started to relocate our offices. I was put up in the front in a cubicle witout walls and a photo copy machine was places about 6 footsteps from my desk. It is a very busy copy machine. Is this a health hazard and are there laws that require copy machines to be placed in a closed room where nobody is sitting for 8+ hours?


Sandeep kumar
May 1, 2017
Very useful information with justification Regards Sandeep kumar Ex Indian Navy Commando


May 7, 2017
it looks you covered nearly all the risks although other thing may happen this tips are highly appreciable and it will support me later in my lectures


Patricia Hostetler
May 9, 2017
common sense


October 2, 2017
This is a very good article for workplace safety and injury prevention. Could you please forward me more of these articles or links to assist me with doctoral research.


October 16, 2017
please shear health tips weekly wise


November 8, 2017
The issues raised in the above article are quite impressive. They are all the problems of office workers , as it has been mentioned they are easily preventable. The article boosted our awareness so that we can easily adjust our office set ups and prevent the accidents. Thanks a lot.


mr nana
November 9, 2017
it very educative and well summarize but include picture for more explanation for other phase of the document when edited for public viewing kindly sent me list of safety training in the office and HEALTH AND SAFETY LAW thank you .


J. Ross
December 8, 2017
One cable news network has newsroom staff sitting in front of huge monitors which seem far to large for eye health, microwave generation, and other concerns. Is this practice safe?


vijay kumar
March 4, 2018
Very well compiled in simple way with solutions.


March 5, 2018
I see a couple of areas where I can improve. Good information.


March 5, 2018
Taking a break is my biggest failing. Sometimes I am staring at the monitor for 8 hours straight, never getting up from my chair. No wonder my vision gets blurry and my back hurts. :/


March 19, 2018
The article is quite helpful, Thanks a lot.


April 11, 2018
Could you please make a printable format for your articles? Thank you!


Safety+Health magazine
April 11, 2018
Tracie: Underneath the headline, you'll find a printer icon next to the Facebook and Twitter logos. Clicking the printer icon will change the article format to a printer-friendly version. Thanks for your comment, and for reading S+H.


safety enthusiast
May 3, 2018
please include safety on information technogy on next issue.


Nicholas Young
June 5, 2018
Very helpful, great material


Sedrick Jones
June 5, 2018
Safety should be from the start of your day to the end of your day.


Michele Letendre
June 18, 2018
Go steps to remember


Suhas N Wakodkar
June 19, 2018
Nice article informative - for Fall prevention awareness program


Karen Woodhall
June 20, 2018
I'm looking for more posters for our safety bulletin board, if you could provide. Thank you. Very good info here.


July 24, 2018
I noticed that the dates referred to in the Fire Safety information are 10-14 years old. That seems pretty outdated with the current rate of technological advancement. Is there more current data that might be shared, along with causes of the fires?


August 1, 2018
Good material, just want to ask if you have safety calendar wherein a certain topic shall be the focus of discussion for a particular month or week. Example Heat Stress in the Workplace is best to discuss during April - June, summer days. My current location is Philippines. Thanks and best regards


mark makeever
August 30, 2018
good article


Anita Dickey
September 4, 2018
Nice link.


Rafig Gurbanzada
October 9, 2018
Thank you for sharing this information. It is very useful for my office in Washington, D.C. by Rafig Gurbanzada


Emmanuel Mulowenu
June 30, 2019
Wow! Very helpful. Thanks alot


Lawrence Scott Holmes Jr
September 3, 2019
so very true.


March 8, 2020
This is a great programme to introduce to the office employee as it opens the rensposibility of the worker in general


Ceferina Gamayo
July 16, 2020
Absolutely help me a lot


Charles Taylor
July 24, 2020
I believe something needs to be stated on personal well being. Any person that is stressed or tired will neglect environment awareness.


Steven Marwah
August 20, 2020
This step by step guide is really helpful to ensure office security.


Chris Davis
February 15, 2021
Interesting inputs and valuable safety hazards experience sharing. Thank you. Please keep updates.


Kenneth Clemons
July 8, 2021
The part about place the eyes’ resting position is a few degrees below the horizon when you’re looking straight ahead is good for regular vision, but no can give me a straight answer for those who need trifocals or bifocals. Can anybody y give me a straight answer?


March 1, 2022
This is very helpful and a great reminder to stay clutter free.

Guadalupe Aristorena
April 18, 2023
Thank you very much for the helpful information.


June 5, 2023
Thank you so much for such an extensive list to help generate awareness and other possible areas to look for and identify.


Sethurajarao Murthy
July 13, 2023
Normally many people think that accidents and incidents take place in factories/warehouses/yards etc. but theis article is an eye-opener for all to understand that safety in office also very important. Very good article as a lesson.


November 28, 2023
Great article to share with our office staff! Always good to have these reminders periodically. Office safety can easily be neglected but it is becoming a regular on the safety topic board.

December 1, 2023
Gracias por compartir la información muy interesante voy a aplicarla.


Lovelyne Geffrard
June 26, 2024
Great article.


Wendy Collins
June 26, 2024
The article "Office Safety: 25 Steps to a Safer Office" outlines a comprehensive approach to minimizing hazards in office environments, addressing common risks such as falls, ergonomic issues, and fire hazards. Key measures include maintaining clutter-free walkways to prevent tripping, using proper equipment like stepladders instead of chairs for reaching high places, and ensuring that all materials are stored securely to avoid falling objects. Ergonomic adjustments are emphasized, with recommendations for adjustable furniture and proper training on equipment use to prevent strain injuries. Vision problems are tackled by optimizing lighting and monitor placement to reduce eyestrain. Fire safety tips include regular inspections of cords and space heaters, ensuring clear escape routes, and not blocking fire sprinklers. Administrative controls like periodic walk-throughs and a formal reporting system for hazards are also advised to maintain a safe office environment.


selvanayagen MOORGHEN
December 15, 2024
very good presentation and highly informative.