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Increasing Safety Engagement Through Humor


7/27/21 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CDT

Event Description

Tim Page-Bottorff, senior safety consultant at SafeStart, wants you to know that safety doesn’t have to be boring. The best way to increase employee engagement is through humor. Stories are the best way to get started. He suggests injecting funny stories, videos and images into safety conversations, training, and meetings to increase employee engagement and retention.

In this webinar, Tim will prepare attendees to find the fun in safety by avoiding all the negativity behind it. Safety is a topic most employees are not fond of simply because safety is usually enforced or “forced.” Tim will discuss how complacency causes employees to force decisions, in addition to organizations forcing decisions that target employees. Humor not only can bring employees and management together, but bring people together.

Incorporating the most important things in our messages often serves as a bridge between people. Tim will show what’s important to him and give a glimpse at how we can achieve a better work-life balance.

He’ll include messages of laughter and despair and, ultimately, an everlasting message that safety doesn’t have to be boring. Sweeping the emotion in safety brings hearts and minds together.


Ed ZalewskiTim Page-Bottorff, Senior Safety Consultant, SafeStart

Tim’s career in safety began 30 years ago as a Marine in Operation Desert Storm, helping to put out oil fires and liberate Kuwait. After leaving the Marine Corps, he became a full-time safety professional. He’s a recipient of the prestigious Safety Professional of the Year Award from the American Society of Safety Professionals. In 2018, Tim was recognized with the Distinguished Service to Safety Award from the National Safety Council, becoming the first safety pro to receive both awards. He’s been on the global stage delivering keynotes at conferences hosted by NSC, ASSP and many other organizations. Tim is the author of “The Core of Four: 4 Tools to Navigate Roadblocks to Great Human Performance” – a motivational book with the aim to improve safety performance, self-discipline and personal accountability.


Barry Bottino, Associate Editor, Safety+Health magazine

Barry covers worker safety for Safety+Health.



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