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Do Employees Feel Safe at Work? New Data for 2023


6/8/23 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CDT

Event Description

Employees don’t feel prepared to navigate an increasingly dangerous world, and they expect their employers to not only care about their personal safety, but to actively keep them safe. How do we know? We asked them.

For the second year in a row, we surveyed more than 2,000 employees from across the United States to understand their genuine feelings about workplace risks and their organizations’ efforts to keep them safe. The results are documented in AlertMedia’s “2023 State of Employee Safety Report.”

During this webinar, John Yarbrough, Vice President of Content and Communications at AlertMedia, and Peter Steinfeld, Senior Vice President of Safety Solutions at AlertMedia, will present the report’s key insights and findings. Join us to learn how these eye-opening conclusions can help improve employee safety at your organization.

Key learning objectives:

  1. Do employees think their employers’ physical and psychological safety efforts are effective?
  2. Do they believe their employers prioritize workplace safety as much as they do?
  3. How safe and prepared do they feel during business travel?
  4. Do they feel safer working onsite or remotely?
  5. What can employers do to help employees feel safer and more valued?


John YarbroughJohn Yarbrough
Vice President of Communications, AlertMedia

John is responsible for developing and implementing brand marketing strategies in support of the company’s mission to help organizations keep their employees safe. For the past 15 years, he’s held marketing leadership roles supporting content and communications strategy for various technology companies, including BigCommerce, Lifesize and Microsoft. John graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, earning a bachelor's degree in corporate communications.

Peter SteinfeldPeter Steinfeld
Sr. VP of Safety Solutions, AlertMedia

Peter is host of “The Employee Safety Podcast,” where each week he interviews safety, security, business continuity and disaster recovery experts from around the world. Peter is a graduate of Middlebury College, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics. He also earned his MBA from the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University. Peter has been involved in the emergency communications industry for nearly 20 years, advising organizations of all sizes on matters related to employee safety, and is passionate about helping organizations protect their most valuable assets: their people.


Kevin DruleyKevin Druley, Associate Editor, Safety+Health magazine

Kevin is associate editor of Safety+Health and serves as co-host of the magazine’s “On the Safe Side” podcast.

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