Items Tagged with 'National Safety Council'



Feeling stressed at work?

Increased workloads, long hours, layoffs, work-life balance – these are just some of the reasons why you might be feeling stressed at work. And you’re not alone: Results of a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in January show that 84% of U.S. adults were experiencing at least one emotion associated with prolonged stress, including anxiousness, sadness and anger.
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Get your continuing education on ‘track’

EHS pros: Don’t miss your chance to enhance your career, brush up your skills and earn CEUs – all in the comfort of your home or office. NSC Impact Tracks offer a day of topic-focused virtual education. All tracks feature five 60-minute technical sessions taught by leading safety and subject experts.
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May 20 is Mental Health Action Day

Join the National Safety Council on May 20, Mental Health Action Day, as we help drive culture from mental health awareness to action, and provide the tools we need for ourselves, our loved ones and our colleagues.
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