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Cologne, Germany — Workers who engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors and encourage their colleagues to do the same can help create a more healthful workplace, results of recent study show.
Are you a midnight snacker? Results of a recent study suggest that eating late at night may increase our hunger levels and impact how our bodies burn calories and store fat.
Bordeaux, France — Older adults who eat at least two servings of fish a week may have a lower risk of developing vascular brain disease, results of a recent study out of France indicate.
Medford, MA — Quick: Which is a healthier snack, an apple or a slice of apple pie? OK, that’s an easy one, but let’s say you want to choose between certain fruits and vegetables. Or perhaps a nut or legume. A new tool from Tufts University can help.
Columbus, OH — People who typically sleep less than seven hours a night may be more likely to snack on salty and sugary foods throughout the day, results of a recent Ohio State University study suggest.