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Buffalo, NY — Outdoor workers, take note: Drinking an ice-cold soda may help quench your thirst on a hot day. But it also may increase your risk for kidney disease, results of a recent study suggest.
Silver Spring, MD — Stressing the importance of lightning awareness while working outdoors, the Center for Construction Research and Training – also known as CPWR – has published a hazard alert and toolbox talk addressing the topic.
The American Academy of Dermatology cautions outdoor workers to be aware of an invisible hazard: the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Exposure to these rays for hours is a major risk factor for a number of skin cancers, including melanoma – the most serious form.
Philadelphia — Knowledge is power when it comes to outdoor workers protecting themselves from skin cancer, new research from the American Association for Cancer Research suggests.
Secaucus, NJ — Lyme disease is becoming more common outside the Northeast and more prevalent in the United States overall, a recent study by lab services provider Quest Diagnostics shows.
Silver Spring, MD — Workers who spend all or part of their days outdoors have an increased risk of developing skin cancer, the Center for Construction Research and Training (also known as CPWR) cautions in a recently released hazard alert.