Items Tagged with 'Young workers'



Study spotlights ‘true magnitude’ of ag injuries

College Station, PA — Nonfatal on-the-job injuries in the agriculture industry may be undercounted by as much as 78% and are especially prevalent among young workers, results of a recent study by researchers from Pennsylvania State University and the University of Florida suggest.
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teen worker

CDC study looks at on-the-job injuries among young workers

Washington — A comprehensive public health strategy is needed to protect younger workers, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers say after their recent study showing that the rate of nonfatal on-the-job injuries among 15- to 24-year-olds is between 1.2 and 2.3 times higher than that of the 25-44 age group.
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male worker

Focus on individual workers rather than generational stereotypes, management experts say

Washington — Instead of relying on generational labels such as “millennial” and “baby boomer” to help inform workforce management decisions – including those related to safety and communication – employers and managers should focus on workers’ individual situations and needs, concludes a recently published report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
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