Items Tagged with 'osha'


Basics of rigging safety

Rigging – when workers prepare equipment to be lifted by cranes, hoists or other material-handling machinery – is a common work process on shipyard and construction sites, among others. Performing rigging operations safely is critical.
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New OSHA reporting requirements

OSHA wants final rule to spark a dialogue with employers on preventing injuries
OSHA is pursuing two new rules that would change employer reporting requirements as part of an effort to get better and more up-to-date data. Learn what is being proposed, and what some key stakeholders think about the rules.
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OMB completes review of PEL proposal

Washington – A review of OSHA’s proposal on chemical management and permissible exposure limits is now complete, allowing the agency to move forward on the rulemaking process.
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Workplace violence in health care

Experts say 'part of the job' mindset needs to change
Violence from patients, families and visitors is a common hazard for nurses and other health care workers. Although several states have recently strengthened penalties for assaults on health care personnel, worker advocates are calling for additional action.
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