


Traveling for business?

As the economy gradually begins to function in this new normal, some workers who traveled for business before the COVID-19 pandemic may be returning to that lifestyle.
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Focus on mental health

Workers might be facing a number of issues during the COVID-19 crisis that can have an impact on mental health, including furloughs and layoffs, social isolation, financial hardships and worries, and health concerns for themselves and their families.
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MRSA in the workplace: What you need to know

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – more commonly known as MRSA – is a potentially dangerous type of staph bacteria that can lead to difficult-to-treat infections. MRSA is resistant to certain antibiotics and, although an infection may begin as a skin sore, it can become serious and potentially deadly, NIOSH warns.
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Impairment: National Safety Month


National Safety Month 2019: Week 4
Impairment at work, whether from alcohol, marijuana or opioid use, is “a major roadblock to workplace safety, and the effects are more common than you think,” the National Safety Council says.
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Fatigue: National Safety Month


National Safety Month 2019: Week 3
We’ve all heard that adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep a day. Missing out on good sleep can negatively affect your productivity, cognitive performance, vigilance, accuracy and judgment.
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