Slips, trips and falls



Walk your way to safety

Walking has been a leading cause of workplace injury for many years, the National Safety Council says, adding that “we need to watch out for all of the hazards tied to walking just as we would any other part of our jobs that poses a safety risk.”
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Focus on the walk

“Whether it’s walking the factory floor, taking a stroll outside during a break or getting from one meeting to another, we’re on our feet at least part of the day,” the National Safety Council says. “With all of that foot traffic, there’s always the potential for a fall.”
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Slips, trips and falls: National Safety Month

Slips, trips and falls

National Safety Month 2019: Week 2
Do you ever get distracted by your cellphone when walking? Is your workspace cluttered and messy? Do you barge out of your workstation without looking to see if a coworker is passing?
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Watch where you’re going

National Safety Month Week 3
Slips, trips and falls are no laughing matter. In fact, they can be deadly: According to the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” an NSC chartbook, 660 workers died in 2014 after a fall from height, and 138 workers died from a fall on the same level.
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