Seasonal safety: Summer

Get ideas from these summer safety tips for your next safety meeting or toolbox talk. Topics include hydration, heat illness, insects, poisonous plants, fires, lightning, tornadoes and more.



Driving in the dark: Avoid night blindness

You may not know the name for it, but if you drive at night, you’ve probably experienced situational night blindness. It can occur “when you are temporarily blinded by a bright light such as an oncoming car’s headlights,” the Texas Department of Insurance says.
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Drive safely in the rain

Rain can reduce or impair your view of the road, the Nevada Department of Transportation points out. Combined with reduced tire traction on wet roadways, “It’s easy to see that driving in the rain needs to be treated with extra caution.”
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Avoid the sting: Working outdoors with insects

Outdoor workers are unique in that they regularly share their workspaces with wasps, bees, hornets and other stinging insects. It’s important for workers to know how to respond to and treat stings, especially because some people may be allergic.
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