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Orlando, FL — For the 11th consecutive fiscal year, Fall Protection – General Requirements is OSHA’s most frequently cited standard, the agency and Safety+Health announced Oct. 12 during the 2021 NSC Safety Congress & Expo.
Washington — OSHA is working “expeditiously” on an emergency temporary standard on COVID-19 vaccination and testing, acting agency administrator Jim Frederick said during an Oct. 7 webinar hosted by the National Safety Council.
Bedford, MA — Data-driven safety is “still emerging” in the construction industry, according to a recently released report published by Dodge Data & Analytics and The Blue Book Network.
Washington — A proposed rule that would restore two parts of OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping regulations is under review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
Washington — Although an overwhelming majority of construction executives and supervisors say it’s important to address mental health in the workplace, fewer than 1 out of 5 believe their workers feel comfortable discussing the topic with supervisors or peers, according to the results of a recent survey.
Itasca, IL — In light of recently released survey results that reveal significant gaps in knowledge between employees and employers about the safety risks posed by cannabis use in the workplace, the National Safety Council is calling on business leaders to do more to educate and protect their workers.
Eugene, OR — Workers in physically demanding jobs who are exposed to heat may be more susceptible to developing kidney disease, according to the results of a recent study led by a University of Oregon researcher.
Washington — As part of its efforts to “reduce the impact of the opioid overdose epidemic among construction workers,” NIOSH is sharing recommendations and resources.
Washington — The House Education and Labor Committee is proposing substantial increases to OSHA fines as part of the budget resolution for fiscal year 2022, which begins Oct. 1.
Washington — OSHA is developing an emergency rule that will require employers with at least 100 workers to “ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week,” President Joe Biden announced Sept. 9.