Occupational illnesses


Banned handwashing products

Can you bring me up to speed on which handwashing product ingredients are no longer compliant with federal regulations?
Can you bring me up to speed on which handwashing product ingredients are no longer compliant with federal regulations?
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Preventing the spread of sickness

We all work in a close work environment. When one person becomes ill, we all seem to get sick. Are there any safeguards we can put in place to minimize the spread of viruses and infections among co-workers?
We all work in a close work environment. When one person becomes ill, we all seem to get sick. Are there any safeguards we can put in place to minimize the spread of viruses and infections among co-workers?
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Medications and hearing loss

How can I tell if an employee’s hearing is being affected by medications, noise exposure or both? What can be done about it?
How can I tell if an employee’s hearing is being affected by medications, noise exposure or both? What can be done about it?
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