Injury prevention


Job hazard analysis

Job Hazard Analysis/Job Safety Analysis

Procedure goes by various names but reaps many benefits, proponents say
Some call it a Job Safety Analysis. Others call it a Job Hazard Analysis, a Task Hazard Analysis or something else. Regardless of how you label it, the process of breaking down a task into steps, identifying the hazards, and determining how to mitigate those hazards remains crucial to preventing incidents and injuries.
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area closed no swimming

Deaths in abandoned mines prompt MSHA safety alert

Arlington, VA – In the wake of two deaths at an abandoned mine in Texas, the Mine Safety and Health Administration has issued a safety alert asking mine operators to evaluate hazards at active mines, make efforts to prevent trespassing and help educate the public on the dangers of exploring mines.
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Hazard at workplace, hazard examples

7 common workplace safety hazards

National Safety Council consultants identify what they see repeatedly when auditing worksites
Members of the National Safety Council Consulting Services Group travel across the country – and the world – to visit worksites and conduct safety audits. They share with Safety+Health seven hazards they frequently spot, and offer advice on preventing them.
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new workers

New workers, higher risk

Experts say orientation, training are crucial to keeping new workers safe
Research shows that workers who have been on the job for less than one month are more than 3 times as likely to have a lost-time work injury. Experts say orientation and training are crucial to keeping new workers safe.
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