Chemical safety


Safe removal of lead-based paint

Working on jobsites painted before 1978 can pose risks associated with lead-based paints. Workers need to be aware of safe practices in removing this paint to avoid the health risks that come with lead exposure both during and after work has taken place.
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The dangers of canned air

Canned air is commonly used in offices to clean dust from equipment such as computers and shredders. These products often are used without incident; however, lack of training in proper use can lead to flash fires and injuries, warns the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
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Practice safety with vehicle chemicals

Although winterizing your car or truck is an important step to ensure your vehicle’s safety, it is equally important that you are aware of the potential health risks posed by the chemicals used for winterization.
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Portable gas can safety

According to NIOSH, a number of fires have spontaneously ignited when workers attempted to fill portable gas cans in the backs of pickup trucks with plastic liners or in cars with a carpeted interior surface.
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