Workplace exposures Administrative/support/waste management/remediation

COVID-19 pandemic: Sanitation workers association distributing millions of cloth facial coverings

Photo: Lorado/iStockphoto

Silver Spring, MD — The Solid Waste Association of North America has submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services orders for more than 2.4 million complimentary cloth facial coverings to be distributed to sanitation and recycling workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a June 25 press release, federal partners including FEMA and HHS secured the facial coverings and asked SWANA to assist with distribution. Previous guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified sanitation workers as essential.


“SWANA is proud to provide this important service to this great industry, which continues to work hard on a daily basis, collecting, processing, and disposing of solid waste and recyclables,” SWANA Executive Director and CEO David Biderman said in a July 23 press release. “The facial coverings to be provided by the federal government are an important supplement to the personal protective equipment that frontline workers and others in the industry and at local governments are using to protect themselves from COVID-19.”

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