
2023 Training Survey


Photo: National Safety Council

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Training expenditure

What was your total worker safety expenditure in 2022?

What was your average worker safety expenditure in 2022?

Total worker safety training expenditure in 2022, by number of employees

Click expenditure ranges in the legend below the chart to select or deselect which ranges are displayed.
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Average worker spend in 2022, by number of employees

Click average spend ranges in the legend below the chart to select or deselect which ranges are displayed.
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Did your budget increase, decrease or remain the same this year?

How much and why did your training budget increase?

How much and why did your training budget decrease?

The Safety+Health 2023 Training Survey was emailed in May to 13,403 S+H subscribers; 435 responded – a 3.2% response rate.

Percentages may not add to 100 because of rounding.

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