Safety Tips Injury prevention Slips, trips and falls Warehouse safety

Walk your way to safety

Photo: Nitat Termmee/gettyimages

Whether it’s walking the factory floor, taking a stroll outside during a break or getting from one meeting to another, we’re on our feet at least part of the day. With all of that foot traffic, the potential for a fall is always present.

Walking has been a leading cause of workplace injury for many years, the National Safety Council says, adding that “we need to watch out for all of the hazards tied to walking just as we would any other part of our jobs that poses a safety risk.”

So, what are some of the dangers tied to walking? Distractions, improper footwear, damaged surfaces and poor housekeeping.

Stay safe – follow these tips from NSC:

  • Don’t read a text message, email or any kind of written material while walking. If you need to do so, step to the side and put your back to a wall while you read.
  • Save in-depth conversations for the conference room or a private office.
  • Leave your headphones behind. They block out noises and may prevent you from noticing people or obstacles in your path.
  • Watch where you’re going. You need to be able to see changes in elevation, cracks or holes in flooring, as well as other hazards.
  • Slow down.
  • Don’t let packages or boxes block your view.

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