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Online game shows how workers experience ‘social determinants of health’


Photo: University of Illinois Chicago

Chicago — A new online game developed by the Center for Healthy Work at the University of Illinois Chicago demonstrates how different workers in an organization are impacted by social determinants of health.

What are social determinants of health? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they’re nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes. “They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age. These forces and systems include a wide set of forces and systems that shape daily life such as economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, and political systems.”

The “In a Year’s Work” game , which can be accessed via a computer or mobile device, allows users to choose a character to play at a fictitious company. The options: a temporary warehouse worker, call center representative, human resources manager and CEO.

After being presented a scenario, users must consider various health effects of different work arrangements. The choices made can impact the character’s health and the ability to make work healthy for others in the company.

Social determinants of health are one of three key priorities highlighted by CDC in its “Healthy People 2030” report.

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