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FDA revises requirements for ‘healthy’ claim on food labels

Photo: Tetra Images/gettyimages

The Food and Drug Administration has updated its definition of the nutrient-content claim “healthy” in an effort to give consumers access to “more complete, accurate and up-to-date nutrition information on food labels.”

To qualify as “healthy” under the updated definition, products must contain a certain amount of at least one of the food groups or subgroups outlined in the federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These include fruits, vegetables, protein foods, dairy and grains. 

Foods with the “healthy” label must also meet limits on sodium, saturated fat and added sugars. More foods that are key to healthy eating patterns – nuts, seeds, higher-fat fish such as salmon, olive and water – will qualify.

The changes align with current nutrition science, dietary guidelines and scientific evidence supported by updated Nutrition Facts labeling, the FDA says.

A symbol that manufacturers can use to indicate their foods meet the “healthy” criteria is under development, along with draft guidance on voluntary sodium reduction targets.

“Food labeling can be a powerful tool for change,” said Jim Jones, deputy commissioner for human foods at the FDA. “Food labeling, like ‘healthy,’ may help foster a healthier food supply if manufacturers choose to reformulate their products to meet the new definition.”

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