
Succession planning for safety

A solid strategy can help prevent disruption, lapses in processes and programs
Some 75% of respondents to Safety+Health’s 2019 Job Outlook say their employers don’t have a succession plan for the safety and health function. How can employers begin the process?
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Working in the heat

Safety amid the swelter

Be vigilant to prevent heat-related illnesses, injuries
During the summer months, outdoor workers are at heightened risk of heat-related illnesses, ranging from mild heat rash to potentially deadly heatstroke. “It’s not like you just provide them water and that solves the problem,” one expert says. “It starts with an effective plan.”
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Teen workers

Safety’s first step

Training teen workers can help make injury prevention a lifetime habit
One of the biggest hurdles for teen workers is speaking up about potential hazards. “They’re trying to put their best foot forward and appear as adult and knowledgeable as possible,” one expert says.
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Visual literacy

‘Seeing’ safety in a new way

Visual literacy can help identify hidden work hazards, experts say
How can a photo of a leopard help workers spot on-the-job hazards? A concept known as visual literacy aims to help people overcome inattention blindness. “It’s usually the most obvious things that you miss. The things you walk past a thousand times and never realized they’re an issue,” one expert says.
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