Items Tagged with 'Sleep deprivation'



Fighting fatigue

National Safety Month: Week 2
Do you regularly arrive at work feeling tired, groggy or run-down? If so, you may not be getting enough sleep. It’s estimated that more than one-third of the U.S. workforce is sleep-deprived.
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One-fifth of workers face sleep deprivation, study says

New York – Sleep deprivation affects one-fifth of all workers, making them more likely to experience an increased risk of injury, according to a study released Dec. 17 from Global Corporate Challenge, a provider of employee health and performance services.
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alarm clock

Workers sacrifice sleep for job: study

Americans sacrifice sleep for work more than other any activity, but strategies such as delayed work start times could help combat the problem, according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania.
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Worker fatigue

Sleepy and unsafe

Why aren't workers getting enough rest?
A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that many transportation workers whose jobs demand high levels of alertness go to work without a good night’s sleep. What impact does sleepiness have on job safety, including the effects of cumulative lack of sleep, and how does this affect workers across all U.S. industries?
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