Items Tagged with 'Fall prevention'



Watch where you’re going

National Safety Month Week 3
Slips, trips and falls are no laughing matter. In fact, they can be deadly: According to the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” an NSC chartbook, 660 workers died in 2014 after a fall from height, and 138 workers died from a fall on the same level.
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Stay safe from falls

National Safety Month: Week 1
Falls represent a serious hazard. In 2015, falls at home resulted in 21,100 deaths, according the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” a National Safety Council chartbook.
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Prevent slips, trips and falls

A slip, trip or fall at work can lead to injuries – and even death. In 2014, injuries from slips, trips and falls resulted in 247,120 cases involving days away from work, and 818 worker deaths, according to the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” a National Safety Council chartbook.
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Ladder climbing safety system

The Miller Vi-Go Ladder Climbing Safety System provides the ultimate in safety, with continuous fall protection when climbing fixed ladders. The system is available in an easy-to-install kit or as a build-your-own option.
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