Items Tagged with 'National Safety Month'



Stay safe from falls

National Safety Month: Week 1
Falls represent a serious hazard. In 2015, falls at home resulted in 21,100 deaths, according the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” a National Safety Council chartbook.
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Fighting fatigue

National Safety Month: Week 2
Do you regularly arrive at work feeling tired, groggy or run-down? If so, you may not be getting enough sleep. It’s estimated that more than one-third of the U.S. workforce is sleep-deprived.
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Know how to react in an active shooter situation

National Safety Month: Week 3
An active shooter situation is a worst-case scenario many people don’t want to think about, but it’s important to be prepared. The Department of Homeland Security notes that active shooter situations often evolve quickly. Would you know what to do?
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Keep ergonomics in mind at work

National Safety Month: Week 4
Are you lifting objects correctly? If not, you could be at risk for an ergonomics-related injury, such as a sprain or strain, back injury, or repetitive-motion injury.
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Be ready to respond

National Safety Month Tip: Week 1

An injury or emergency situation can happen anywhere at any time. Your son might sprain his ankle at soccer practice. Your neighbor may suffer a heart attack while washing his car. You might be involved in a motor vehicle incident on the way to work. Do you know how to react?

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Be healthy

National Safety Month Tip: Week 2
On average, 52 people die every day in the United States as a result of prescription opioid overdoses, and statistics show that prescription painkillers such as Oxycontin, Percocet and Vicodin account for more drug overdoses than heroin and cocaine combined.
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