Items Tagged with 'Electrical safety'


Preventing arc flashes

Electricity can present many dangers for workers, including arc flash hazards. An arc flash occurs when high-amperage currents travel, or “arc,” through the air.
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Electrical safety

I’m the safety manager at my company, and I’ve just been assigned to hire someone to do an arc flash hazard analysis. Where do I begin?
I’m the safety manager at my company, and I’ve just been assigned to hire someone to do an arc flash hazard analysis. Where do I begin?
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Basic electrical safety on the job

Although injuries from electrical hazards represent a fraction of total on-the-job injuries, they are more likely to result in death than injuries from other causes, according to the Arlington, VA-based Electrical Safety Foundation International.
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electrical outlet

Avoid electrical hazards in the office

The high volume of electrical equipment in a typical office can expose workers to serious electrical hazards, including shocks, burns and fire, the Rosslyn, VA-based Electrical Safety Foundation International warns.
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