Items Tagged with 'KPA'



Trends in ... training and education

‘Adapt training to our workers, not the other way around’
What’s new in safety training and education? How can workers and employers better use training and education in the workplace? What are customers asking for? Safety+Health asked a panel of experts to weigh in.
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EHS software

Safety training is critical to the success of any EHS program. With KPA EHS software, access a feature-rich learning management system that gives employers the tools they need to keep their team educated and informed.
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Environment, Health and Safety Compliance Checklist

Get the checklist
The Environment, Health and Safety Compliance Checklist itemizes some of the documents, training and procedures that are required by many state and federal agencies, including hazard communication, emergency response, and environmental documentation.
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EHS software enhancement

SDS Manager is a new capability in the KPA EHS software platform. It provides clients with access to more than 70 million Safety Data Sheets using a user-friendly interface.
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Trends in ... fall protection

Experts discuss this mainstay on OSHA’s annual list of most cited violations
To some, “falls might sound like a problem with a simple solution,” cautions 
Glorianna Corman, senior risk management consultant at Lafayette, CO-based KPA. “But they continue to be the most frequently cited OSHA violation and leading cause of fatalities in the workplace.”
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