Warehouse safety



Time for a safety walkaround

Safety walkarounds demonstrate an employer’s commitment to safety and allow managers to see for themselves how effective their safety and health management program is, OSHA says in a fact sheet from its Safe + Sound campaign.
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Reduce crushing injuries involving presses

Nearly half of all work-related injuries involving mechanical power presses result in amputation, statistics compiled by OSHA show. Around 60% of amputations involve a worker’s fingers or arm getting caught or compressed by a press or other machinery such as a conveyer, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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You’ve broken a fluorescent lightbulb. Now what?

Use of compact fluorescent lightbulbs can save money, conserve energy, reduce waste and lower greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. However, CFLs contain mercury – a potent neurotoxin that, in small amounts, can cause serious health problems. At room temperature, mercury is a liquid and can readily evaporate into the air.
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What’s rhabdomyolysis, and how can you reduce the risk?

Whenever muscle damage occurs – whether it’s the result of a work-related incident, heat exposure, overuse or other cause – rhabdomyolysis can follow. Also called “rhabdo,” the condition develops when damaged or dead muscles break down and release cell contents into the blood, according to NIOSH.
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Slips, trips and falls: National Safety Month

Slips, trips and falls

National Safety Month 2019: Week 2
Do you ever get distracted by your cellphone when walking? Is your workspace cluttered and messy? Do you barge out of your workstation without looking to see if a coworker is passing?
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Hazard recognition: National Safety Month

Hazard recognition

National Safety Month 2019: Week 1
Hazards are all around us. Although some are easy to see, many are not. The trick is learning to spot the hidden hazards.
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