


Managing diabetes at work: What employers can do

Employers typically are required to accommodate employees with diabetes, according to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety. Accommodations may include time and a private place to administer any medications or conduct blood sugar tests, the ability to keep food nearby, or a schedule of regular breaks to maintain a prescribed diet.
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Stress in the workplace

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, stress levels among many workers have been through the roof. Studies have shown that between caregiving duties, job responsibilities and more, employees are feeling overwhelmed. And stress has been linked to health conditions such as cardiovascular issues, depression and obesity.
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Feeling stressed at work?

Increased workloads, long hours, layoffs, work-life balance – these are just some of the reasons why you might be feeling stressed at work. And you’re not alone: Results of a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in January show that 84% of U.S. adults were experiencing at least one emotion associated with prolonged stress, including anxiousness, sadness and anger.
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Handwashing 101 for truck drivers

The next time you fuel up at a gas station, consider this: Most pump handles contain 11,000 times more germs than a toilet seat in a public restroom. And the keypad on the pump? The buttons typically have 15,000 times more germs than a public toilet seat, according to a tip sheet from KeepTruckingSafe.org.
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A safer reopening: 10 actions to take

As many employees begin returning to a more typical work environment, employers must remember to prioritize safety. Here are 10 steps the National Safety Council – based on recommendations from its SAFER task force – says employers should take before reopening.
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