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OSHA 101: What Every Business Should Know

Download this in-depth white paper that details OSHA requirements and jurisdiction to find out what is and isn’t covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, reporting and recording needs, OSHA inspections, and more.
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Ultimate Guide to Audits & Inspections

If you find the prospect of workplace audits and inspections overwhelming, this e-book from KPA is for you. Experts make the processes as simple and painless as possible, breaking them down into manageable pieces for readers.
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Training Checklist

Is your training program encouraging a strong safety culture? Establishing a thoughtful training strategy helps your organization reduce costs, generate revenue and mitigate risks.
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Bardavon double down

Hear from Bardavon’s CEO on Why They Doubled Down on Injury Prevention for the Labor Workforce

Bardavon expands into injury prevention to prevent claims in the workplace on behalf of industrial athletes
Bardavon Health Innovations recently has expanded into injury prevention to protect workers from musculoskeletal disorders in addition to helping with recovery. In this endeavor, they have acquired the leading workplace injury prevention company, Preventure.
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