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Congress with frame

The National Safety Council 2019 Congress & Expo

Set to take place Sept. 6-12 in San Diego, the NSC 2019 Congress & Expo is the world’s largest annual event for environmental, health and safety professionals. Safety+Health offers an extensive preview, including a look at educational sessions, keynote speakers, networking opportunities, the “Best in Show” New Product Showcase Awards, and more.
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Working in the heat

Safety amid the swelter

Be vigilant to prevent heat-related illnesses, injuries
During the summer months, outdoor workers are at heightened risk of heat-related illnesses, ranging from mild heat rash to potentially deadly heatstroke. “It’s not like you just provide them water and that solves the problem,” one expert says. “It starts with an effective plan.”
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EPA requests input on draft risk evaluations for two TSCA chemicals

Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking public comment on draft risk evaluations for two chemical substances that are among the first 10 slated for evaluation for potential health and environmental risks under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, according to a notice published in the July 1 Federal Register.
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